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Granola Yogurt

Your Health Matters 

Your Expert Nutrition & Menopause Consultant. 

YHM is a Nutrition and Menopause Consultant. Through comprehensive and individualised consultation sessions, each client receives a personalised plan that is designed to help them reach and maintain their health and fitness goals. That’s because I believe in replacing bad habits with good ones, reinforcing healthy lifestyle habits that make you look and feel better for the rest of your life. 

Available Services

Supporting Your Success

Green Goodness

Meal Plans

Regardless of how good your training is, you still need to adhere to a diet that is aligned with your goals if you want to optimise results. Your intake of micronutrients, macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates & fat) and overall calories all play key roles in whether or not you make progress. With my tailored meal plans you will receive everything you need to ensure your diet is structured to perfectly complement your training and help you reach your goals in as little time possible.

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Old Alarm Clock

30 Day Intermittent Fasting Programme

Intermittent fasting is a great tool with many benefits. It can help with weight management, glucose stabilisation, help prevent disease, support brain function, reset hormones and delay aging. With this 30 day reset programme, I will guide you through how to fast around your hormones, what and when to eat, what supplements to take and what periods of fasting is necessary for your cycle. We will have weekly check in's and a follow up email outlining the bespoke key points discussed during your consultation.  

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Coaching Programme


Are you looking to create sustainable eating habits that will improve your physique, energy levels and health? Do you struggle to stick to a “diet” and don’t know where to start? Forget about trying the latest fad or crash diet for a quick fix which results in you putting even more weight back on. Instead, I will help you create a healthy nutrition lifestyle with extensive guidance and support throughout your tailored plan. You will receive 1-2-1 support and coaching from start to finish to improve your health, body composition and training by making small significant changes to your diet. You will be amazed at just how easy and effective making such healthier changes to your diet can be, and the long term, sustainable eating habits this creates no more crash diets.


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Medicine Prescription

Menopause Solution Session 

Would it feel nice to get some clarity as you walk through your menopause transition?

Do you feel unheard by professionals?

would it be amazing to have some help to get re-motivated for maintaining first class nutrition, exercise, sleep and relaxation techniques?

Do you find HRT a minefield?

At a loss as to which supplements will actually help? 

If you're reading this and nodding along to those questions above, maybe you're here for a reason. And maybe you've reached the end of your tether and you're ready to get the 1:2:1 support you need and deserve to help you move forward.

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Digital Contract


All You Need to Know

The main force behind YHM is a deep desire to help individuals achieve their long-term health and nutrition goals. Whether you’re seeking help with fat loss, fasting, health, medical conditions, hormones or menopause. Each client is individually evaluated and provided with a well-researched and comprehensive plan they can follow for the rest of their lives.

Working with Laptop

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